Monday, December 06, 2010


On the tube to work this evening I was suddenly joined by some students leaving tonight's protest at Tate Britain. They sat next to me, two young men, two women. After a while they started getting things out of their bags to show to each other. One of them retrieved a chess set he'd made, which was contained in a small leather box. He folded back the lid and revealed an ingenious hinged board which expanded out. The carved chess pieces were stacked neatly inside. He'd made two, he informed his friends, but one had been broken. Another student got out a picture she'd done, presumably on the protest they'd been to. Two police officers, sketched with great skill in green pen stood glumly while a student in a bikini with a clown face arched over them like a dolphin.

I find it difficult not to be charmed by these people.


ian skidmore said...

That is the problem. It was the same with Americans when I waas attached to the USAF. Indidually they were pure gold. In the mass.....
love your blogs

Hendo said...

Well how very kind. This last post was written before Thursday's trouble, which was grim.

downlights said...

Love reading your blog, I'm a regular reader, beautifully written